const invalidAccountNumber = "Invalid account number provided. Please correct";
const generalError = "An error has occurred. Please try again later.";
const invalidPaymentVendor = "Invalid Payment Vendor Configured. Please correct";
const FieldValidationError = "Please correct the error(s) below.";
const errorProcessingCardPayment= "We are unable to process your credit card payment. Please verify your card details and try again.";
const genericProcessingError = "The requested operation cannot be completed at this time. Please contact customer service for further assistance.";
const error_invalid_expriy = "Invalid expiration date.";
const error_no_route = "Bank Routing Number entered is currently not within our database..";
const placeholder_month = "Select Month";
const placeholder_year = "Select Year";
const error_invalid_cardnumber = "Invalid Credit Card number.";
const errorProcessingBankPayment = "Our online payment portal is currently unavailable. Please try again later.";
const minAmountErrorMessage = "Minimum payment should be at least";
const maxAmountACHErrorMessage = "Please enter a different payment amount.The requested payment amount exceeds";
const maxAmountCardErrorMessage = "Please enter a different payment amount.The requested payment amount exceeds";
const paymentAmountRequiredErrorMessage = "Please enter valid payment amount";
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var pwaAlreadyInstalledMessage = " The shortcut is already installed on your device";
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